Wall Elevation

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Wall Elevation


I need help placing my wall decor.

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Price shown per elevation

You want to install a picture gallery but you’re not sure what to feature or how to hang it. Perhaps you purchased art and you’re not sure how high to hang it above your sofa, credenza, bed or other furniture. I can help you source the right pieces for a new art installation or help you arrange the pieces you already have. If you need help hanging wall mirrors, pictures, art or sconces, this is the plan for you.

Plan Includes:

  • 2 Wall elevations featuring products you own or have purchased

  • Sourcing new wall décor: includes shopping links for online sources or in store products (if available).

  • Detailed instructions for wall décor placement.

What Happens Before?

After purchase, I’ll send:

  • Links to my confidential questionnaire or web design consultation meeting.

  • Welcome Packet with a guide to measuring and photographing your wall.

  • Our Agreement outlining the scope of the project and timeline.

  • Access to a Secret Pinterest Board with Private Messaging.

What Happens After?

Post Plan Support:

  • 1, 30 Minute Web Meeting to Go Over Your Plan and Answer Questions.

  • 1 Revision (Upon Request).

  • Alternate Product Sourcing for 1 Year (Upon Request).