Michael Helwig Interiors

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8 Ways to Get Amazing Sleep By Bringing Nature Into Your Bedroom.

Over here in the Northeast it’s been hot! Like, really hot... For people that can make ice cubes in the backyard until April, this means that sleeping is not comfortable. Hell, moving at all is not comfortable. And, if you’re blessed to live in a home with radiator heating like mine, there is no duct work which means no central air! (Don’t you dare say window unit!)

I love the charm of my radiator heating. It keeps my house perfectly warm in the winter and that’s more important due to our disproportionate seasons. Unfortunately, this post is not about cooling down. (That’s just the context for the time of year I’m writing this. So, don’t cry for me Argentina! I will gladly take my two months of heat and suffer through like a champ because I know what’s a comin’ in a few months.) Instead, this post is all about 8 ways to get amazing sleep by bringing nature into your bedroom. When done right, these techniques will help you get sleep all year round, even in the hot, sweaty summer. Let’s get into it, shall we?

8 Ways to Get Amazing Sleep by Bringing Nature Into Your Bedroom, #1: Bring in Some Crystals.

I’m a big fan of crystals not only for their beauty and abstract shapes but for their natural properties as well. I love the way crystals look in any space. They are sculptural and grand. Think about how long it takes to form a crystal in nature. It’s a long time, slow and steady, just like the breath during relaxing sleep. You don’t have to bring in the biggest specimens you can find. A few crystals placed near your bed should do the trick.

I love to use amethyst, quartz, and smoky quartz near my bed.

I have this amethyst cathedral on my dresser perpendicular to my bed. It’s angled toward my bed and I have smaller specimens of clear quartz positioned around it and a small smoky quartz point off to one side. I am by no means a crystal expert, but I do know that clear quartz amplifies the properties of other crystals when placed around them. They act like the volume and antenna on the radio, clarifying and increasing the frequency.

Amethyst is great for mind clarity because it benefits the crown chakra with vivid dreams and peaceful sleep.

The quartz will amplify the properties of the amethyst.

Smoky quartz purifies the space itself and absorbs any negativity brought into the space. It’s the vacuum cleaner for bad vibes so you can sleep comfortably and peacefully.

These 3 crystals work great together to align and direct good energy and filter out bad energy to help you get a great night’s sleep! Plus, they are beautiful, natural décor that enhances the space.

8 Ways to Get Amazing Sleep by Bringing Nature Into Your Bedroom, #2: Turn on a Salt lamp.

Salt lamps are a must have for me in any room I spend my time in. I have one in my office, 1 in my living room, 1 in my kitchen and 1 in my bedroom. They are made of natural salt that is harvested deep in the earth from salt mines. They work in much the same way an air ionizer does. Essentially, they purify the air, removing toxins, dust and impurities by emitting negative ions. This is wonderful for people who suffer allergies due to dust, dander or mold.

The soft light that glows from the bulb promotes a calm, meditative atmosphere, which is perfect for creating a relaxing space for sleep. My lamps are on dimmers and I leave them on all the time. I just dim them before I go to sleep at night. They have made a huge difference in my home and I would not be without any one of them, especially the one in my bedroom.

8 Ways to Get Amazing Sleep by Bringing Nature Into Your Bedroom, #3: Consume Some Chamomile Tea.

It’s Simple, delicious, and effective for getting you to relax. I drink it nightly, hot in the

winter and iced in the summer. It’s got a lovely apple like taste with a subtle floral aroma. The smell alone triggers something that tells my brain, time to power down.

According to Healthline.com, from an article in February 2018, Chamomile tea contains an antioxidant called apigenin, which binds to specific receptors in your brain decreasing anxiety and increasing relaxation. That’s great news for those of us who want a natural way to bring down the day when it’s time to sleep. If you have trouble turning off the old hamster wheel upstairs, give this beverage a try.

8 Ways to Get Amazing Sleep by Bringing Nature Into Your Bedroom, #4: Ditch Your Room Darkening Curtains.

Let the morning light in. This one tip may be considered controversial, but I’m a big believer that nature shows us how much light we need. Take it from the birds who start chirping before the sun officially comes out. Animals are in rhythm with nature and we really should be too. As someone who suffers with seasonal affective issues, I try to get as much natural light as I can all year round because it helps. I welcome the early morning sun because I feel amazing when that light comes in.

On the flip side, if you have too much artificial light from street lamps or devices, you are not doing yourself any favors in the sleep department. I do have blinds that I close so the light from outside doesn’t shine right on me. I also turn my phone on silent and flip it over so I don’t see the screen light up when notifications come in.

There’s a time for engagement and a time to rest. I guard against any form of distraction when I’m in sleep mode. With that being said, I am usually in bed early and up before the sun so, I typically get the chance to notice the sun coming up over the horizon. It’s a little daily routine I and I feel like it increases my productivity and joy. If you have the ability in your schedule to let nature set the cue for sleep, it can be super relaxing.

8 Ways to Get Amazing Sleep by Bringing Nature Into Your Bedroom, #5: Use Woven Baskets to Put Stuff Away.

Do you ever get that feeling in a busy store of being totally overwhelmed? It’s like you are there for something you need but you can’t wait to get out because there is just too much. If you have piles of cloths, papers and other clutter strewn all over your bedroom, you might experience that same over stimulated feeling.

I love to use baskets in the bedroom for hiding clutter. When you put unnecessary visual clutter away you instantly create a space that is more relaxing.

We’re attracted to the energy of things, for better or worse. When all your stuff is neatly organized and out of the way, your mind is more relaxed and able to rest. You’re not noticing anything but the texture and shape of the baskets. I can tell you from experience, when I have everything in my bedroom organized and clutter free, I sleep like a rock.

8 Ways to Get Amazing Sleep by Bringing Nature Into Your Bedroom, #6: Get Sheets With A Natural Fiber Content.

Try outfitting your bed with natural fibers. Cotton or bamboo sheets are both natural materials that will add comfort and coolness to your bed. Typically, the higher the thread count, the softer the sheets, which translates to more comfortable to sleep in. A thread count of 400 or above will last longer through many washes as well.

Higher thread count usually means less fabric pilling and more options like deep fitted sheet pockets, envelope style pillowcases or 4 pillowcases instead of 2 for queen and king size sets. Envelope ends, instead of open ends, will keep pillowcases from going flat or clumping up. They will change your life!

My advice is to go for the highest natural fiber content your budget can afford to get the best night sleep. Just always read the packaging to make sure you’re getting what you pay for.

8 Ways to Get Amazing Sleep by Bringing Nature Into Your Bedroom, #7: Bring In Some Plants.

You can’t go wrong with adding plants to any room and that is also true for the bedroom. Plants will purify the air and increase oxygen. Aside from that they also add beauty color and texture to your space. There are a ton of options and depending on how much natural light your space gets, there’s a perfect option out there.

If you don’t have a green thumb, I suggest air plants that don’t require as much watering. Let me preference that with, you do have to water them but, they can go a bit longer than soil rooted plants because they absorb moisture from the air. I have many air plants and I still like to give mine a good long soak at least once a week in the summer and once every week and a half in the winter.

If you prefer soil rooted plants, you can never go wrong with a African Mask Plant, Alocasia, (pictured). They’re quite hardy and do well in indirect sunlight or lower light spaces. For either option, water always with room temperature water, not cold or hot.

On the design side of things, you can outfit your plants with natural containers: clay, wood or metal, etc. Take the cues from your surrounding décor and bring in a texture that is already in your space. For example, if you have bronze hardware on your bedroom furniture, bring in a bronze planter for your plant. Think about your Decor and how are you want to highlight different aspects of it.

Want to clean the air, breathe easier and sleep better? Add plants to the bedroom!

8 Ways to Get Amazing Sleep by Bringing Nature Into Your Bedroom, #8: Use an Essential Oil Diffuser.

I love using natural oil diffusers in my bedroom. I find that they help me get a very restful and peaceful night’s sleep. My favorite combination is lavender and bergamot because it helps to relax me and it also has a nice citrus type fresh smell in the morning. I will usually put 5 drops of lavender and 2 to 3 drops of bergamot in the water of my diffuser. I swear by lavender as a perfect and natural way to help me get to sleep.

My advice is to always find a diffuser that has an automatic shut off. They typically shut off when the water in the reservoir gets to a certain level. It’s a nice safety feature that is available on most products but it’s always good to check first.

The gentle sound of the diffuser is also a lovely white noise that can help you sleep a little bit better as well. The mist helps to hydrate the air adding in some moisture like a humidifier which also cuts down on allergens and helps you sleep better. Just make sure that the oil you are using is 100% natural and meant for misting diffusers and you’ll be set to take the train to dream town!

There you have it, my 8 favorite ways to get an amazing night sleep by bringing nature into the bedroom. I’d love to hear if you use any of the natural things I mentioned here or others I may have missed. Leave me a comment below to share. I always check my comments and respond back in short order!

Share this post out with your friends if you enjoyed it!

As always, I’d love to stay in touch. I have two amazing FREE resources to share with you just below this post if you’re on mobile, or off to the right, if you’re on any other platform. 11 Secrets Only Designers Know to Make Your Space Rock, is a detailed pdf that shows you 11 quick tips to get a HUGE impact in any room in your house right away!

The second resource is, What’s MY Decorating DNA? If you love design quizzes, this one is for you! It’s fun, specific and you’ll have a great time learning all about the decorating style that speaks directly to you! Best of all, you can download a concise single page guide tailored to your specific style to help you stay on track when picking things for any room!

Thanks again for stopping by and spending a few minutes with me. I appreciate you very much and I hope to connect with you soon! Have an amazing week and See you here next Friday!

If you want more inspiration, head on over to Instagram: @interiorsmh, or click the link in my footer below. I share inspiration and everything I’m up to each day!

Michael is Principal designer and blogger at Michael Helwig Interiors in beautiful Buffalo, New York. Since 2011, he’s a space planning expert, offering online interior e-design services for folks living in small homes, or for those with awkward and tricky layouts. He’s a frequent expert contributor to many National media publications and news outlets on topics related to decorating, interior design, diy projects, and more. Michael happily shares his experience to help folks avoid expensive mistakes and decorating disappointments. You can follow him on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook @interiorsmh.